- Rainbow Christmas Cake Wreath
- FUN FACTS ABOUT CHRISTMAS CAKE.....A Christmas cake may be light or dark, crumbly-moist to sticky-wet, spongy to heavy, leavened or unleavened, shaped round, square or oblong as whole cakes, cupcake, or petit fours, with marzipan, icing, glazing, dusting with icing sugar, or plain. If a Christmas cake is covered in icing, it is quite common for it to be decorated - models of houses, of fir trees or of Santa Claus may be in the array of decorations. A particular favourite of many is the traditional Scottish Christmas cake, the Whisky Dundee. As the name implies, the cake originated in Dundee and is made with Scotch whisky. It is a light and crumbly cake, and light on fruit and candied peel—only currants, raisins, sultanas and cherries. This Christmas cake is particularly good for people who don't like very rich and moist cakes.
- Source https://bit.ly/2Yt2ZZz
- πππ
- FUN FACTS ABOUT EYE TEST.....The world’s most common eye color is brown
Humans can see more shades of green than any other color. Chameleons can move their eyes in two directions at once. Dolphins can sleep with one eye open
Blue eyed people are more tolerant of alcohol, but less tolerant of the sun. Dogs cannot distinguish between red and green. Blind people can see their dreams as long as they weren’t born blind. We spend about 10% of our wake time with our eyes closed. The lifespan of an average eyelash is 5 months, while rest of your hair lasts 2-4 years. Some people have two different eye colors, a condition called heterochromia. The only organ more complex than the eye is the brain. The shark cornea is almost identical to a human cornea. 80% of all learning comes through the eyes. - Source https://bit.ly/3AjW4iR
- Zucchini Pizza Bites
- FUN FACTS ABOUT ZUCCHINI.....One zucchini is a “zucchina.” Zucchinis were first brought to the United States in the 1920s by the Italians. April 25th is National Zucchini Bread Day. The flower of the zucchini plant is edible. Fried squash blossoms are considered a delicacy. Mild bitterness in zucchini, like that in related species like cucumbers, may be result from environmental factors such as high temperature, low moisture, low soil nutrients, etc. The bitterness is caused by compounds called cucurbitacins. The world’s largest zucchini on record was 69 1/2 inches long, and weighed 65 lbs. Bernard Lavery of Plymouth Devon, UK, grew it. Nutrients and vitamins found in zucchini can help prevent cancer and heart disease. A zucchini has more potassium than a banana.
- Source https://bit.ly/3AqB3TO
- πππ
- FUN FACTS ABOUT SOCKS.....World’s oldest socks have split toes. The oldest known pair of socks is 1,600 years old and was excavated at the end of the 19th century from the burial grounds of ancient Oxyrhynchus, a Greek colony on the Nile in central Egypt. The socks are made from red wool and have split toes for wearing with sandals. The word ‘sock’ has Roman origins. The word ‘sock’ comes from the Latin word ‘soccus’ – a loose-fitting slipper worn by Roman comic actors. Cavemen were the first to wear socks. Experts believe that the first socks were worn by cavemen, who wrapped animal skins around their feet and tied them at the ankle. Animal furs were sometimes used for extra warmth. Greek socks were made from matted animal hair. In the 8th Century BC, the Greek poet, Hesiod, wrote about piloi, which were socks made from matted animal hair. Doesn’t sound that comfortable, does it? The ancient Romans committed fashion faux pas too. Rust on a nail from a Roman sandal, found at an archaeological dig in Yorkshire, appeared to contain material fibres, suggesting that a sock-type garment had been worn. Yep that’s right – Roman legionnaires committed the ultimate modern fashion crime and wore socks with sandals.
- Source https://bit.ly/3AkgisA
- Mini Deep Dish Pizza
- FUN FACTS ABOUT PIZZA.....The biggest game of the year is upon us, which means it’s time to talk about everyone’s game day favorite, PIZZA! Those have argued that pizza deserves its own section on the food pyramid, and considering Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, who could disagree? While pizza makes a regular appearance in Americans’ diets, it didn’t start out in the U.S.A. That’s not to say we can pinpoint the exact origin of pizza, but there is a belief that pizza actually had it’s beginnings with the Greeks before coming known as an Italian classic. Coming from the Greek word pΔktos, meaning solid or clotted, pizza started out as a simple flatbread with oils, herbs, and spices. These days we can’t even imagine pizza without thick toppings on top of that identifiable red sauce. It was not until the 18th century that tomatoes made their first appearance on pizza - they weren’t discovered at the time pizza came to be. The arrival of tomatoes to the New World played a big part in the popularity of pizza today by creating that signature first layer.
- Source https://bit.ly/3myGZ81
- Mermaid Christmas Stocking Crochet Pattern
- FUN FACTS ABOUT MERMAIDS.....Some of the earliest legends of mermaids come from ancient Syria. The ancient story dates back to about 1000 B.C., a little over 3,000 years ago! In the Syrian story, a goddess named Atargatis wanted to be transformed in a fish, but when she dove into the water, only her bottom half was transformed. The resulting figure prompted our modern tales of mermaids. Mermaids weren't always thought of as the beautiful creatures that we envision today. Many times, sailors would mistake manatees for mermaids, resulting in descriptions that labeled the aquatic creatures as ugly and fat. The existence of mermaids was never questioned during medieval times. There were hundreds of accounts of mermaid sightings and they were depicted without question in historical accounts of aquatic animals, claiming their place alongside whales and other known sea creatures.
- Source https://bit.ly/3adNDL9
- Driftwood Christmas Tree
- FUN FACTS ABOUT DRIFTWOOD.....Driftwood is wood that has been washed onto the shore of a sea, river, or lake by winds, tides, waves or man. In some waterfront areas, driftwood is a major nuisance. However, the driftwood provides shelter and food for birds, fish and other aquatic species as it floats in the ocean. Gribbles, shipworms and bacteria decompose the wood and gradually turn it into nutrients that are reintroduced to the food web. Sometimes, the partially decomposed wood washes ashore, where it also shelters birds, plants, and other species. Driftwood can become the foundation for sand dunes. Driftwood can be: a tree or part of a tree that is in a large body of water because of strong winds or flooding.
- Source https://bit.ly/3uTtgwn
- Christmas Tree Shaped Wool Felted Cat House
- FUN FACTS ABOUT FELT....Felt is a type of cloth that is made by matting wool fibers, either with water and soap, or by poking the fibers with barbed needles. Felt can be made by hand, or by machine. People have been making felt longer than any other kind of fabric. Felt can be of any color, and made into any shape or size. Felt is used to make many things like clothing, hats, and rugs. Nomadic people in many countries live in tents made of felt. Felt is used for many different things. Today people use felt for hat-making, insulating (making warm), sound-proofing, and cushioning.
- Source https://bit.ly/3FsjOoP
- Snowman Donuts Kids Snack Idea
- FUN FACTS ABOUT DONUTS.....Doughnuts are everywhere. Over the last century, few pastries have inspired as much long-lasting enthusiasm, or as many film and television tributes, as the humble ring of fried dough. Although we’ve been gobbling down doughnuts by the baker's dozens for years, most of us don’t know that much about their delicious history. Here are 15 tasty facts about the iconic pastry. Over 10 billion doughnuts are made in the U.S. each year. The American doughnut industry is huge, with numerous fast food chains dedicated to their production. Canada, meanwhile, produces fewer doughnuts (approximately 1 billion per year), but with its lower population, actually has the most doughnut shops per capita of any country in the world.
- Source https://bit.ly/3oHicSa
- Charlie Brown Christmas Quote Art
- FUN FACTS ABOUT CHARLIE BROWN.....Peanuts was first called L’il Folks. In 1947 Charles Schultz first published his comic L’il Folks in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. L’il Folks is where Charlie Brown first appeared, and an unnamed dog resembling Snoopy. L’il Folks began as a single-frame comic. Schultz didn’t change the format to be a four-panel strip until two years later when he quit the St. Paul Pioneer Press. That is when he submitted the Peanuts strip to United Feature Syndicate, and they signed him. First_Peanuts_comic...The first Peanuts strip, October 2, 1950. Left to right: Charlie Brown, Shermy, and original Patty. Schultz disliked the name Peanuts. The Syndicate already had two other similar comic names: Li’l Abner and Little Folks, so they changed the name of Schultz’s strip to Peanuts. Schultz disliked the name Peanuts; in an interview he said about the name: “It’s totally ridiculous, has no meaning, is simply confusing, and has no dignity—and I think my humor has dignity.” Of all the Peanuts TV specials, movies, and paperback collections of strips, that were produced while Schultz was alive, none were ever titled “Peanuts” because Schultz hated the name so much.
- Source https://bit.ly/3avHr1z
- Grinch Baby Girl Outfit
- FUN FACTS ABOUT THE GRINCH.....How the Grinch Stole Christmas is one of the most-loved Christmas movies of all time. Regardless of whether you’ve seen it or not, and whether you hate Christmas or love it, you’ll recognize the green character who always manages to make his way onto our screens over the holiday season. Here are ten things you probably didn’t know about the Grinch! The costume took a lot of dedication. It’s one of Jim Carrey’s most famous and recognizable roles, but it definitely wasn’t easy to pull off the Grinch. The costume was made predominantly from yak hairs which had been dyed green and then individually sewn onto the suit. Carrey spent a grand total of 92 days wearing the costume, and it took him three hours before each filming session to get into the suit. The Grinch didn’t originally look like that. Can you imagine the Grinch being anything other than the loveable green monster we’ve grown used to seeing on the TV every December? In the original story, the Grinch was actually black and white with bits of red and had pink eyes. When Chuck Jones became director of the animated movie, he decided that the main character was going to be entirely green.
- Source https://bit.ly/3Ft7dBx
- Chocolate Covered Strawberry Christmas Trees
- FUN FACTS ABOUT STRAWBERRIES.....The average strawberry has 200 seeds. A strawberry flower averages five to seven petals. Technically berries have seeds on the inside and they don’t come from a single ovary, so strawberries are really in a group all their own. Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in the spring. Majority of the roots roots are located in the top 3 inches of soil. 94% of American households consume the berries. According to the USDA, Americans eat 3.4 lbs. of fresh strawberries a year. Americans also eat another 1.8 lbs. of frozen strawberries a year. One acre of land can grow about 50,000 pounds of strawberries. Strawberries are grown in every single U.S. state and Canadian province. California produces 75% of crops in the U.S.
About 1 billion pounds of the berry is produced each year in California alone. In California, each acre of land produces an average of 21 tons a year. Each year, 23,000 acres are planted in California. - Source https://bit.ly/3BngJ6L
- French Toast Bake
- FUN FACTS ABOUT FRENCH TOAST.....French toast was created by medieval European cooks who needed to use every bit of food they could find to feed their families. They knew day-old bread could be revived when moistened and heated. They also added eggs for additional moisture and protein. Medieval recipes for French toast suggest this meal was enjoyed by the wealthy. These recipes used white bread (the very finest, most expensive bread available at the time) with the crusts cut off—something a person of meager means would be unlikely to do. November 28th is National French Toast Day. Recipes for French toast can also be traced to Ancient Roman times. One of the original French names for this dish is le pain Γ‘ la Romaine, or Roman bread. According to the Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink, French toast does have its origins in France, where it is known as “amerite” or “pain perdu” (lost bread). The phrase “French toast” first appeared in print in the Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink in 1871. In Scotland, French toast is traditionally served with sausage between two slices of French toast, eaten as a sandwich. It is also sometimes eaten with ketchup in Great Britain.
- Source https://bit.ly/2Yot0ta
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Thursday, October 21, 2021
Christmas Crafts, Recipes, Decor, Fun Facts And More :)
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Halloween Crafts, Recipes, Decor, Fun Facts And More :)
- Halloween Eyeball Cookie Pops
- FUN FACT ABOUT COOKIES.....Chocolate chip cookies were invented in the 1930s by Ruth Wakefield, who ran the Toll House Inn with her husband. Apparently, Wakefield invented the cookies while trying to improve on a butterscotch nut cookie recipe with an all-chocolate dough. The chocolate she used didn't fully melt in the dough, though, resulting in a cookie with chocolate bits. Some people are dubious of the story, however, saying that Ruth Wakefield was too much of a perfectionist to overlook such an important detail.
- Source https://bzfd.it/2WQzQHB
- Turn A Plastic Snow Globe Into Halloween Night Lights
- FUN FACTS ABOUT SNOW GLOBES.....A snow globe is a decorative novelty item consisting of a scene inside a transparent globular or ellipsoid-like shape. ‘Snow globes’ are also known as ‘snow domes’, ‘snow shakers’, ‘snowstorms’, ‘snow scenes’, and ‘water globes’. Snow globes generally consist of tiny white flakes in a liquid, which is mainly water, which when shaken up, simulates snow falling. It is thought that snow globes originated in France in Europe, with the first known record being a globe of water and white powder, with a man holding an umbrella, which was on display at the Paris Universal Expo in 1878. To prevent the liquid inside a snow globe from freezing during cold temperatures, an antifreeze such as glycol, is often added to the water, while glycerine or another ingredient is sometimes added to slow the movement of the flakes in the liquid.
- Source https://bit.ly/3uQNGGl
- Halloween Fake Bake Candy Apples
- FUN FACTS ABOUT CANDY APPLES.....The sugar coated apple treat we call a candy apple is generally called a toffee apple outside the U.S. and Canada. Many people call them caramel apples, using candy and caramel interchangeably. However, there is a difference between a candy apple, a caramel apple, a jelly apple, and a toffee apple. The difference is usually in what the coating is made from and how it is applied to the apple.
- Source https://bit.ly/3BjOPJ6
- Vampire Gingerbread Men
- FUN FACTS ABOUT GINGERBREAD MEN.....Gingerbread Fun Facts: Gingerbread and ginger root originated in the Middle East and migrated to Europe during the eleventh century Crusades. June 5th and November 21st are National Gingerbread Day. At first, European gingerbreads where only made by Catholic monks, who usually created them in the form of angels and saints. According to the Swedish tradition, you can make a wish, using gingerbread. First, put the gingerbread in your palm and then make a wish. You then have to break the gingerbread with your other hand. If the gingerbread brakes in to three, the wish will come true.
- Source https://bit.ly/3AhVfa3
- Pumpkin Scarecrow
- FUN FACTS ABOUT SCARECROWS.....Scarecrows are such an ordinary creation, it’s strange to think that there’s actually a history behind them. So if you’re in search of a costume and you’re keen on being something classic yet unique, a scarecrow could be a great idea! But first, there are a few things to know about this typical fall symbol…Scarecrows were originally made to do exactly what their name suggests: scare off crows and other birds that might ruin the farmer’s crops. Scarecrows have been around longer than you might think – the first scarecrows known to history were made about 3,000 years ago!
- Source https://bit.ly/3uXeVze
- Disney's Princess Gown Blankets
- FUN FACTS ABOUT DISNEY'S PRINCESSES.....The Disney Princesses are comprised of 11 female protagonists from 10 Walt Disney films and one Pixar film. The princesses are either born royal, marry royal, or are a princess because of their heroism in their film. Below are 49 enchanting facts about Disney Princesses. The origin of the name “Tiana” is Greek and comes from the Greek word for “princess.” Tiana’s character is loosely inspired by the main character from E.D. Baker’s middle-grade novel The Frog Princess and the princess from the Grimm fairy tale “The Frog Prince.”
- Source https://bit.ly/3oDbbl5
- Turn An Empty Milk Jug And Dollar Tree Items To Make This Spooky Witch
- FUN FACTS ABOUT MILK JUGS.....Plastic milk containers are plastic containers for storing, shipping and dispensing milk. Plastic bottles, sometimes called jugs, have largely replaced glass bottles for home consumption. Glass milk bottles have traditionally been reusable while light-weight plastic bottles are designed for single trips and plastic recycling.
- Source https://bit.ly/2ZTGcqD
- DIY Bubble Gum Canisters
- FUN FACTS ABOUT BUBBLE GUM..... Bubble gum was invented in 1928 by a man named Walter Diemer. He worked at a chewing gum factory (as an accountant!) and was experimenting with all kinds of gum recipes. One day, Walter came up with a formula that wasn’t as sticky as regular gum. It was also super stretchy. This meant you could blow bubbles with it. Unfortunately for Walter, he lost the recipe and had to start experimenting all over again. But after four long months, he figured out the recipe once more. And bubble gum was here to stay!
- Source https://bit.ly/3oJPoIy
- Munchkin Witch Pumpkin
- FUN FACTS ABOUT PUMPKINS....Pumpkin spice lattes may have dominated every autumnal season in recent memory, but actual pumpkin has been on earth for a whopping 5,000 years. There's so much more to the fruit (yep, it's a fruit!) than its honorable contributions to our favorite Starbucks drink, Thanksgiving desserts and the most haunted holiday of the year. While you're prepping for Halloween by carving a few pumpkins, think about all the possible uses for this superfood and consider the roots of fall's most famous flavor.
- Source https://bit.ly/3muelVD
- Make A Hobby Horse From An Empty 2L Pop Bottle
- FUN FACTS ABOUT HOBBY HORSES.....The term "hobby horse" is used, principally by folklorists, to refer to the costumed characters that feature in some traditional seasonal customs, processions and similar observances around the world. They are particularly associated with May Day celebrations, mummers' plays and the Morris dance in England.
- Source https://bit.ly/3oGgkcf
- Toy Robots Made From Recycled Bottles
- FUN FACTS ABOUT ROBOTS.....A robot is an artificial agent, meaning it acts as a substitute for a person, doing things it is designed for. Robots are usually machines controlled by a computer program or electronic circuitry. They may be directly controlled by humans. They may be designed to look like humans, in which case their behaviour may suggest intelligence or thought. Most robots do a specific job, and they do not look like humans. They can come in many forms. In fiction, however, robots usually look like people, and seem to have a life of their own. There are many books, movies, and video games with robots in them. Isaac Asimov's I, Robot is perhaps the most famous.
- Source https://bit.ly/3DowStv
- Make A Beach Or Small Storage Bag From A Large Water Bottle
- FUN FACTS ABOUT PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES.....A million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute - which breaks down to 20,000 plastic bottles a second - and that number will jump another 20% by 2021. At current consumption rates, we will be going through half a trillion plastic bottles a year by 2012. This number will far outpace recycling efforts, putting oceans, coastlines and other environments in jeopardy. We need to put our foot down now. In Ontario alone, one billion plastic water bottles are sent to landfill every year. While Nestle estimates that 70-75% of plastic water bottles are recycled in Ontario every year, the Polaris Institute - a non-profit organization that “challenges the influence of corporations on government and public policy” - estimates only 14 percent make it to recycling facilities in the province.
- Source https://bit.ly/2Yt0qGV
- How To Create A Side Table/Plant Stand Using Dollar Tree Supplies
- FUN FACTS ABOUT HOUSE PLANTS.....House plants are the friend you didn’t know you needed during the quarantine. They are an easy way to bring life to any space, with various sizes, shapes, and colors they are far from boring! Being stuck at home, telecommunicating, and socially distancing it is easy to forget what fresh air feels like. Luckily, houseplants are there to bring us back to earth. They purify the air! Plants take care of you too! Your watering and cleaning pay off because your house plants are removing toxins all around you making the air more purified. Decrease your stress levels. A new plant addition in your at-home office can make telecommuting less stressful. House plants are proven to relieve stress and improve mental wellbeing and as a result, increasing productivity.
- Source https://bit.ly/3BoiSPC
- DIY Halloween Gumball Machine Using Dollar Tree Items ~ Dollar Tree Hacks
- FUN FACTS ABOUT GUMBALL MACHINES.....Did you know that holy water was once vended? The first known vending operation started way back in Egypt in 215BC. It is thought the Greek mathematician Hero invented a machine to vend holy water in Egyptian Temples. Since then there have been many different variations on the vending machine. During the early 1880’s the first commercial coin operated vending machines were introduced in Europe to sell postcards and books. Vending machines started to become universal selling everything from stamps, postcards, books, cigars, candy and gum. There was even a coin operated restaurant in Philadelphia, “Horn & Hardart”. 1 cent Gumball machines first became popular in the United States in the early 1900’s. The machines at the time dispensed gumballs or peanuts. At around this same time vending machines were gaining popularity. In 1871 Thomas Adams patented the vending machine in the U.S. to dispense gum. In 1888 he put the vending machines on the New York City train platforms which dispensed his chicle chew stick gum. Newer vending machines have taken an old idea and made it new again by offering everything from ice cream, sandwiches, candy and pop.
- Source https://bit.ly/3iDTT3w
- Spooky Deviled Egg Spiders
- FUN FACTS ABOUT DEVILED EGGS.....Deviled eggs or eggs mimosa are hard-boiled eggs, shelled, cut in half and filled with the hard-boiled egg’s yolk mixed with other ingredients such as mayonnaise and mustard, but many other variants exist internationally. Deviled eggs are usually served cold. They are served as a side dish, appetizer or a main course, and are a common holiday or party food. The term “deviled”, in reference to food, was in use in the 18th century. The first known print reference appearing in 1786. In the 19th century, it came to be used most often with spicy or zesty food, including eggs prepared with mustard, pepper or other ingredients stuffed in the yolk cavity. The deviled egg originated in ancient Rome. Eggs were boiled, seasoned with spicy sauces and then typically served at the beginning of a meal. Sonya Thomas holds the record for eating 65 Hard Boiled Eggs in 6 minutes 40 seconds.
- Source https://bit.ly/3uNjFay
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